11/19/2022 Yankee RCO C+ Champions - Incredibles
11/19/2022 Yankee RCO C+ Champions - Incredibles
Finals: Incredibles defeated Strong and Pretty
Semis A: Strong and Pretty defeated I Made It! Weeeeeeeeee
Semis B: Incredibles defeated Smash
Quarters A: Strong and Pretty defeated I'm Panicking Ahhhh
Quarters B: Incredibles defeated Monday Night Unites
Pool 1:
7-1 I Made It! Weeeeeeeeee
5-3 Incredibles
5-3 Middles are People Too
3-5 Pink Flamingos
0-8 Walk-Ons
Pool 2:
8-0 Smash
6-2 Strong and Pretty
4-4 Mean Chihuahua
2-6 Last Minute Shindig
1-7 Camjam
Pool 3:
6-0 Monday Night Unites
3-3 I'm Panicking Ahhhh
2-4 Nice Dig Sean
1-5 Father and His Children