12/9/2017 Spoiler Alert, the White Walkers win…..the MB- at URI
Pool A:
White Walkers 6-2
Rampage 6-2
Canes 4-4
I'd Hit That 2-6
EZ-Pass 2-6
Pool B:
Indoor is a Beach 6-2
Digs out for Harambe 5-3
How I Set Your Mother 5-3
Regulators 3-5
Getting Old 1-7
Pool B Play In: How I Set Your Mother def. Digs Out For Harambe 28-26
Rampage def. Indoor is a Beach 20-25, 26-24, 15-12
White Walkers def. How I Set Your Mother 25-21, 25-16
White Walkers def. Rampage 25-18, 18-25, 15-11
Prizes: DD gift cards