BCC Tournament Information

December 18, 2023

***Important Announcement about the 2024 BCC Tournament***  (updated 12/19 swapping RCO and M/W on 2/24-25, adding RCOB and RCO Open on 2/24)

BCC tournament signup process:

This year’s adult tournament will be split over two weekends with 10 courts available each weekend. To address the signup issues from Mohegan the Yankee board has decided to accept teams by lottery pick.

These details apply to all tournaments other than the Men’s and Women’s Open invitational tournaments. Please see those Open tournament pages for registration info.

  • Captains must be current season NERVA members to enter a team in the lottery before the lottery occurs. Non current NERVA member captain signups will not be included in the lottery.
  • Tournament schedules for both weekends at BCEC will be posted on or before 12/23/2023.
  • Signups will remain open until 1/8/2024 at noon. Signups after that time will not be included in the lottery
  • You will NOT pay for your team spot when you sign up.
  • If your team is selected in the lottery you will be notified and have 72 hours to pay for your team spot through a paypal link that will be provided. After the 72 hours, we’ll select from the remaining sign-ups until that level is full.
  • WARNING!!! If you are selected for a team spot and do not take it OR take it, pay for it and then drop out you, will not be allowed to play on any other teams that entire weekend at BCEC (so, legitimate signups only from players who intend to captain a team–this policy is to prevent teams from signing up with multiple players to gain more entries in the lottery which occurred the last time we chose teams by lottery pick)
    • If you choose to remove your sign up prior to the lottery, you will be allowed to play on other teams.
  • Captains in the lottery must eventually be on the roster of the team they entered–they may not give their spot to another captain or player and play in another tournament.

Convention Center entry will be done with QR codes as it is done for all adults attending the tournament–to accomplish this the following policies will apply. These QR codes will only be generated for players with current season membership.

  • Rosters must be complete and finalized (including memberships) by Tuesday before the tournament your team is playing in.
  • Roster changes (including adding players without membership or players purchasing membership) after Wednesday will be charged $10 per player/membership added.
  • Captains will be responsible for providing e-mail addresses and cell phone numbers for players on their roster (QR codes will be sent to these).

Weekend 1 levels offered:

  • Friday evening, February 23rd: RCOC-, RCOC, RCOB-, RCO Open 4’s
  • Saturday, February 24th: RCOC-, RCOC, RCOB-, RCOB, RCO Open
  • Sunday February 25th: MC-, WC-, MC, WC, MB-, WB-

Weekend 2 levels offered:

  • Friday evening, March 1st: RCOC+ 4’s, RCO Open 4’s
  • Saturday, March 2nd: RCOC+, Men’s and Women’s Open (Invitational)
  • Sunday, March 3rd: MC+, WC+, Men’s and Women’s Open (Invitational)
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Amy Grigg
Board of Directors