5/20/2018 Spikalogical Warfare defeats NVC Beach Bums to win RCOB champs

May 21, 2018

Pool play:

Pool A:
1. NVC Beach Bums 6-2 +20 (2nd overall seed by coin flip)
2. Spikalogical Warfare 6-2 (+20) 0-2 vs. 1st
3. Squanch 4-4
4. Underrated 2-6
5. Flying Monkeys 2-6 (0-2 vs. 4th)

Pool B:
1. Cat Ladies Unite 6-2 +20 (3rd overall seed by coin flip)
2. Focus 5-3
3. Just here to fill the tourney 4-4
4. Team Tiny 3-5
5. We'll Figure it Out 2-6

Pool C:
1. Root Canal 7-1
2. Guasacaca 6-2
3. Ballerz 4-4
4. Hitfaced 4-4 (0-2 vs. 3rd)
5. Procrastinators 0-8

Spikalogical Warfare d. Focus 25-16
Cat Ladies Unite d. Guasacaca 25-22

Spikalogical Warfare d. Root Canal 25-16, 25-23
NVC Beach Bums d. Cat Ladies Unite 25-20, 25-23

Finals: Spikalogical Warfare d. NVC Beach Bums 25-19, 25-21

MVPs Sean Bisnett and Doree Blanco

First place long sleeve champs tees, 2nd place short sleeve champs tees

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