All of our current tournament directors are listed below.

See something wrong or want to inquire about being a tournament director? Please let us know.

volleyball icon


  • BCC Invitational TD


    24 Bourgeois Terrace

    Westminster, MA 01473-1300


    2023 NERVA Challenge at Nike Boston Volleyball Festival

    This year's BCEC Open level tournaments will be a two day invitational open level tournament hosted by NERVA  on March 2nd and 3rd 2024 at the Boston Convention and Exposition Center.

    Up to 12 teams for Men's Open and 12 teams for Women's Open levels will be accepted to the tournament and will play in a morning and evening wave on Saturday followed by playoffs on Sunday.

    Teams with completed rosters and payments (check, paypal, or hand delivered by 1/12) will be selected (based on strength and other factors) beginning January 15th.

    Cash prizes for first place and second place depending on the number of entered teams  

    First place prize ($200 x number of teams)  ==>> up to max $2400 for first place in men's $2400 in women's

    Second place prize ($65 x number of teams) ==>> up to max $780 for second place in men's, $780 in women's

    Third place prize ($32.50 x number of teams) ==>> up to max $390 for third place in men's, $390 in women's


    Payment policy 

    There are 2 options for payments for BCC: Check and Paypal.

    Checks for BCC tournaments should be made out to "Yankee Volleyball" and sent to:


    Yankee Volleyball
    C/O Mark Archibald
    24 Bourgeois Terrace
    Westminster, MA 01473-1300

    Cancellation policy:
    You may cancel up to 30 days before the tournament for a full refund; or
    between 30 and 21 for a 75% refund; or
    within 20 days for a 75% refund only if I can replace your team.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 a.m. on the day of the tournament. All captains will be phone and emailed at whatever contact information they provide.

  • John Kubilis


    8 A Street

    Billerica, Massachusetts 01821


    Please make checks payable to:

    John Kubilis
    8 A Street
    Billerica, MA 01821

    If you wish to pay online you can either use venmo to slam-volleyball (put team name/date/level in notes)

    or you can pay on our website (convenience fee added)

    Cancellation policy:
    You may cancel up to 21 days before the tournament for a full refund. You will get a full refund after 21 days only if the tournament is full and your team is replaced.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 a.m. on the day of the tournament. All captains will be emailed at whatever contact information they provide. If captains do not have weekend e-mail access, please let John know in advance.

  • Scramble TD


    86 Alder Drive

    Nashua, NH 03060


    Please visit for signup information!   This process has changed for new players.

    Current/former USAV/Yankee members will pay the $35 paypal fee or mail a check.

    Players who are not current or former USAV members should follow the instructions to purchase a single event $30 membership (and do NOT pay the paypal fee).

    Instructions for one event/weekend memberships are on the information page.

    Registration for current/former USAV members:
    Please make checks payable to: NERVA   or pay with paypal.

    OR Send check (payable to NERVA) to:
    Jeffry Powell
    86 Alder Drive
    Nashua, NH 03060

    Cancellation policy:
    You have until Monday before the scramble to pull out with a refund. If you cancel after Monday, you will receive a refund only if your spot is filled.

  • Yankee TD


    24 Bourgeois Terrace

    Westminster, MA 01473-1300


    Please make checks payable to: "Yankee Volleyball"

    Mail to:

    Yankee Volleyball
    C/O Mark Archibald
    24 Bourgeois Terrace
    Westminster, MA 01473-1300


    Paypal payments on the same date are given equal priority (and the same priority as checks postmarked, hand delivered, or sent priority/express mail to the TD on that date).  Teams paying electronically will be marked paid but not confirmed until 3 business days have passed, allowing for any checks in the mail to arrive.  When more teams pay on the same date than there are spots remaining in the tournament ties will be broken by random selection.


    Champs and Regionals Guildlines and Policies  (note that all checks for champs tournaments are cashed around May 8--prior to the last 2 weekends of tournaments)

    Cancellation Policy(excluding Champs and Regionals):
    You May Cancel up to 21 days before the tournament for a full refund. You will get a full refund after 14 day only if the tournament is full and I can replace your team. Weather Cancellation Policy: Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 am on the day of the tournament. All captains will be emailed and phoned at whatever contact information is provided during registration.

  • Doug Porrell


    6 Antrim Street

    Cambridge, MA 02139


    Standard mail for payment is not accepted, please contact me directly via email at the address below:


    Cancellation policy:
    You may cancel up to 21 days before the tournament for a full refund. You will get a full refund after 21 days only if the tournament is full and we can replace your team.

  • Kris Jeffers


    54 Savin Ave, #1

    Norwood, MA 02062


    Accepting Venmo Payments: 

    Please make checks payable to:

    Kris Jeffers
    54 Savin Ave, #1
    Norwood, MA 02062

    Paypal accepted (please contact me for details.)

    Cancellation Policy:
    You May Cancel up to 14 days before the tournament for a full refund. You will get a full refund after 14 day only if the tournament is full and I can replace your team.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 am on the day of the tournament. All captains will be emailed and phoned at whatever contact information is provided during registration.

  • Liberty TD - Lottery


    24 Bourgeois Terrace

    Westminster, MA 01473-1300


    ATTENTION: Teams selected in the lottery will be marked "Confirmed" and contacted via email.  Those teams may go to the registration page and pay through the "Pay Now" link on the page. Note: you need not have a paypal account to use paypal.

    DO NOT MAKE PAYMENT unless you've be confirmed as a selected team. Those that make payment will be refunded minus a $10 processing fee.

    LOTTERY DETAILS - Captains must be current season FULL NERVA members to enter a team in the lottery before the lottery occurs.  Non-current NERVA member captain sign-ups will not be inclued in the lottery.

    Signups will begin January 6th and remain open until 15th at 6pm.  Signups after that time will NOT be included in the lottery.

    You will NOT pay for your team spot when you sign up.

    If your team is selected in the lottery, your team will be marked confirmed on the site and you'll will be notified(via email provided during registration) and have 36 hours to pay for your team spot through a paypal link that will be provided on the registration site. After the 36 hours, we’ll select from the remaining sign-ups until that level is full.


    WARNING!!!  If you are selected for a team spot and do not take it OR take it, pay for it and then drop out, you will not be allowed to play on any other teams that entire weekend at the Liberty Challenge (so, legitimate signups only from players who intend to captain a team–this policy is to prevent teams from signing up with multiple players to gain more entries in the lottery). If you choose to remove your sign up prior to being selected in the lottery, you will be allowed to play on other temas.  Captains in the lottery must eventually be on the roster of the team they entered; they may not give their spot to another captain or player and play in another tournament.


    Liberty Challenge FAQ's


    Cancellation policy:

    You may withdraw up to March 1st for a refund minus a $10 withdrawal fee

    Withdrawals between March 2nd and March 27th will incur a $10 withdrawal fee IF a replacement team can be found. If a replacement team is not found prior to March 27th they will incur a $100.

    Withdrawals after March 27th will incur a $50 withdrawal fee IF a replacement team can be found prior to end of day on April 8th. If they do not, they will lose their tournament fee. Withdrawals After April 8th will forfeit thier team fee.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 a.m. on the day of the tournament. All captains will be phone and emailed at whatever contact information they provide.

  • Steven Simmons


    15 Whiton Ave.

    Quincy, MA 02169


    For +ZERO coed tournaments the +0 applies to overall team rating and aggregrate ratings of each gender.  In a C (+0) tournament for example you cannot have +1 on men and -1 on females.  The team is +0 but the male ratings are greater than +0.



    Please make checks payable to:

    Steven Simmons
    15 Whiton Ave
    Quincy, MA 02169

    Venmo accepted (and preferred) "wyldcard-volleyball" (put team name, tournament date and level in comments)
    Paypal accepted (please contact me for details.)

    Cancellation Policy:
    You May Cancel up to 14 days before the tournament for a full refund. You will get a full refund after 14 day ONLY if the tournament is full and I can replace your team.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 am on the day of the tournament. All captains will be emailed and phoned at whatever contact information is provided during registration.

  • Tom Ambrose


    3458 Flat River Road

    Coventry, RI 02816


    Checks payable to :

    Tom Ambrose
    3458 Flat River Rd
    Coventry, RI 021816


    No pay pal 

    Venmo accepted ( and preferred! ) @slambrose17


    Cancellation Policy:
    You May Cancel up to 14 days before the tournament for a full refund. You will get a full refund after 14 days Only If the tournament is full and I can replace your team.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 am on the day of the tournament. All captains will be emailed and phoned at whatever contact information is provided during registration.

  • RIR TD


    24 Bourgeois Ter

    Westminster, MA 01473


    NOTE: Any refunds of Payments made (whether there is spot for your team or not) will follow the refund policy below. A minimum of $10 withdrawal fee will apply. 


    Rhode Island Rampage

    Captains must be current season FULL NERVA members to enter a team. Those confirmed teams that were chosen during the lottery period are required to play on the team they originally signed up for or they will NOT be allowed to play in any of the tournaments that weekend.

    The initial lottery selection process has concluded.  The remaining team slots will be given on a First registered and Paid basis.  Electronic payments through the registration page only.



    RI Rampage FAQ's

    Friday Night 4's rules 

    Cancellation policy:

    You may withdraw up to December 4th for a refund minus a $10 withdrawal fee

    Withdrawals on December 5th and therough the end of the day December 12th 8th will incur a $10 withdrawal fee IF a replacement team can be found. If a replacement team is not found prior to December 12th they will incur a $100 withdrawal fee ($25 for Friday 4's).

    Withdrawals after December 12th through the end of the day December 24th will incur a $75 withdrawal fee IF a replacement team can be found. If they do not, they will lose their tournament fee.

    Withdrawals on or after December 25th will forfiet their team fee.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 a.m. on the day of the tournament. All captains will be phone and emailed at whatever contact information they provide.

  • Mark Robarts




    Registration & Payment:

    Register your team on the Yankee site then:

    Go to BSSC website,  and register your team and make payment with MC/Visa. BSSC has a new registration system as of May 2024 and you’ll need to create an account in LeagueApps if you don’t have one. Your card will be charged upon registration & will include at 2% service fee (so $214.20). If the registration below is waitlisting teams, you should still register & pay on the BSSC as some levels may be increased & others decreased based on demand. If you do not get a team space you will be refunded in full (including svc). Checks, cash or venmo are no longer accepted 

    Cancellation policy:
    Must cancel at least 21 days before tournament (by end of day Saturday for Saturday & Sunday for Sunday) for a full refund.
    Less than 3 weeks before tournament, full refund if your team can be replaced with a team from a waitlist. Forfeit entry fee if team cannot be replaced or if tournament does not fill.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    BSSC cancellation line, 617-789-4070 x700 or, will be updated by 6:30 AM the morning of the tournament if there is a change of start time or cancellation due to weather. Captains may also be notified thru LeagueApps via email.

  • Liberty Challenge CHAMPS TD


    24 Bourgeois Terrace

    Westminster, MA 01473-1300


    CHAMPS Pre-registration: 

    RCO C+ Captains of teams that have entered and played in 3 or more tournaments of that level in the fall season(through Dec 31st), will have the opportunity to sign up and secure a spot before the general registration and lottery commences. You will be contacted via email prior to January 8th with that option.

    RCO C- and RCO B Captains of teams that have entered and played in 1 or more tournaments of that level in the fall season(through Dec 31st), will have the opportunity to sign up and secure a spot before the general registration and lottery commences. You will be contacted via email prior to January 8th with that option.


    ATTENTION: Teams selected in the lottery will be marked "Confirmed" and contacted via email.  Those teams may go to the registration page and pay through the "Pay Now" link on the page. Note: you need not have a paypal account to use paypal.

    DO NOT MAKE PAYMENT unless you've be confirmed as a selected team. Those that make payment will be refunded minus a $10 processing fee.

    LOTTERY DETAILS - Captains must be current season FULL NERVA members to enter a team in the lottery before the lottery occurs.  Non-current NERVA member captain sign-ups will not be inclued in the lottery.

    Signups will begin January 8th and remain open until 14th at 6pm.  Signups after that time will NOT be included in the lottery.

    You will NOT pay for your team spot when you sign up.

    If your team is selected in the lottery, your team will be marked confirmed on the site and you'll will be notified(via email provided during registration) and have 36 hours to pay for your team spot through a paypal link that will be provided on the registration site. After the 36 hours, we’ll select from the remaining sign-ups until that level is full.


    WARNING!!!  If you are selected for a team spot and do not take it OR take it, pay for it and then drop out, you will not be allowed to play on any other teams that entire weekend at the Liberty Challenge (so, legitimate signups only from players who intend to captain a team–this policy is to prevent teams from signing up with multiple players to gain more entries in the lottery). If you choose to remove your sign up prior to being selected in the lottery, you will be allowed to play on other temas.  Captains in the lottery must eventually be on the roster of the team they entered; they may not give their spot to another captain or player and play in another tournament.


    Liberty Challenge FAQ's


    Cancellation policy:

    You may withdraw up to March 1st for a refund minus a $10 withdrawal fee

    Withdrawals between March 2nd and March 27th will incur a $10 withdrawal fee IF a replacement team can be found. If a replacement team is not found prior to March 27th they will incur a $100.

    Withdrawals after March 27th will incur a $50 withdrawal fee IF a replacement team can be found prior to end of day on April 8th. If they do not, they will lose their tournament fee. Withdrawals After April 8th will forfeit thier team fee.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 a.m. on the day of the tournament. All captains will be phone and emailed at whatever contact information they provide.

  • Zack Dalton


    26 Clark Street Unit 3

    Biddeford, ME 04005


    You may reserve a spot in any tournament with a refundable $50 deposit made via check or venmo. 


    Please make checks payable to:

    Zack Dalton 
    26 Clark St Unit 3
    Biddeford ME 04005 





    Cancellation Policy:
    You May Cancel up to 21 days before the tournament for a full refund. If you cancel with less than 21 days notice you will receive a full refund IF another full team can be formed. 

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 am on the day of the tournament. All captains will be emailed and phoned at whatever contact information is provided during registration.






    Registration for a tournament is done by signing up on Yankee’s tournament website.  Registration is not considered complete until an online payment via PayPal has been received (MSVBA does not accept checks).  Teams are accepted in order of payment received.  All tournament registration payments received within the first 48 hours after tournament dates are announced shall be placed into a random drawing if the number of entries exceed the number of tournament spots available. Remaining registrations shall be placed on the wait list.

    Captains/Players are responsible for ensuring they have a NERVA membership prior to arriving at the tournament.  

    Cancellation Policy:
    Captains may cancel up to 14 days before the tournament for a full refund.  Captains will get a full refund after 14 days only if the tournament is full and the team can be replaced.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 am on the day of the tournament.  The Tournament Director will make every effort to make a decision the day prior to the tournament if possible.  All captains will be notified by the group chat.  

  • Jimmy Guo


    94 Cynthia Ln - C7

    Middletown, CT 06457


    Accepting Venmo payments: @jgooby11 (please enter date of tournament and team name in description)

    Please make checks payable to:
    Jimmy Guo
    94 Cynthia Ln
    Middletown, CT 06457

    Cancellation policy:
    You may cancel up to 21 days before the tournament for a full refund. You will get a full refund after 21 days only if the tournament is full and we can replace your team.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 am on the day of the tournament. All captains will be emailed and phoned at whatever contact information is provided during registration.


  • Liberty 2025 TD FULL


    24 Bourgeois Ter

    Westminster, MA 01473-1300



    Payment option not available for this tournament however if a spot opens up, the waitlist will be contacted in order of registration. 


    FIRST COME FIRST SERVE - registered and paid thorugh the link on the registration page.

    Payment policy (for all tournaments - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday):

    Only electronic payments accepted!  You may use the "Pay Now" link below.  You do NOT need to have a paypal account to use this link.  Credit and debit card is accepted. There is a minimum $10 withdrawal fee for all paid entries. Refund policy is outlined below.


    Liberty Challenge FAQ's

    Withdrawal/Cancellation policy:

    You may withdraw up to March 1st for a refund minus a $10 withdrawal fee

    Withdrawals between March 2nd and March 27th will incur a $10 withdrawal fee IF a replacement team can be found. If a replacement team is not found prior to March 27th they will incur a $100.

    Withdrawals after March 27th will incur a $50 withdrawal fee IF a replacement team can be found prior to end of day on April 8th. If they do not, they will lose their tournament fee. Withdrawals After April 8th will forfeit thier team fee.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 a.m. on the day of the tournament. All captains will be phone and emailed at whatever contact information they provide.


    Friday Night 4's rules 

  • Kevin Phu


    15 Whiton Ave

    Quincy, MA 02169



    Venmo Accepted @ KEVIN-PHU24


    Please make Checks payable to:

    Duc Phu
    15 Whiton Ave
    Quincy, MA 02169


    Cancellation Policy:
    You May Cancel up to 21 days before the tournament for a full refund. You will get a full refund after 21 day only if the tournament is full and I can replace your team.

  • Scramble TD


    94 Cynthia Ln - C7

    Middletown, CT 06457


    Current/former USAV/Yankee members will pay the $37 fee by Venmo or mail a check.

    New players who are not current or former USAV members should follow the instructions to purchase a single event $30 membership or full $50 membership (and do NOT pay the entry fee)--make sure to set the start date of the one event membership a day before the tournament date.


    Current/former players--

    Accepting Venmo payments:  @jgooby11

    Please make checks payable to:
    Jimmy Guo
    94 Cynthia Ln  C7
    Middletown, CT 06457

    Cancellation policy:
    You may cancel up to 21 days before the tournament for a full refund. You will get a full refund after 21 days only if the tournament is full and we can replace you.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 am on the day of the tournament. All players will be emailed and phoned at whatever contact information is provided during registration.

  • Scramble TD


    18 Smithwheel Rd Unit 31

    Old Orchard Beach, ME 04064


    If you've never had a rating before (and you purchase the $50 USAV year membership) you will play at half the normal registration fee & be given a jersey day of.


    Venmo Accepted:

    Cancellation Policy:
    You May Cancel up to 21 days before the tournament for a full refund. You will get a full refund after 21 days only if the tournament is full and I can replace you.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 am on the day of the tournament. All players will be emailed and phoned at whatever contact information is provided during registration.


  • Scramble TD





    Registration for a tournament is done by signing up on Yankee’s tournament website.  Registration is not considered complete until an online payment via PayPal has been received (MSVBA does not accept checks).  Teams are accepted in order of payment received.  All tournament registration payments received within the first 48 hours after tournament dates are announced shall be placed into a random drawing if the number of entries exceed the number of tournament spots available. Remaining registrations shall be placed on the wait list.

    Captains/Players are responsible for ensuring they have a NERVA membership prior to arriving at the tournament.  

    Cancellation Policy:
    Captains may cancel up to 14 days before the tournament for a full refund.  Captains will get a full refund after 14 days only if the tournament is full and the team can be replaced.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 am on the day of the tournament.  The Tournament Director will make every effort to make a decision the day prior to the tournament if possible.  All captains will be notified by the group chat.  

  • Eric Bozoian


    11 Kessler Farm Drive

    Nashua, NH 03063


    Registration & Payment:

    1. Register Your Team:
         First, register your team on the Yankee site.

    2. Find Your Tournament:
        Visit Southern NH Competitive Volleyball Events, and select the tournament you're interested in.

    3.  Complete Payment:
         Register your team on the SNHCVB site and follow the instructions on the SNHCVB website to complete the payment using Venmo or PayPal.


    Cancellation policy:

    You may cancel up to 21 days before the tournament for a full refund. You will get a full refund after 21 days only if the tournament is full and your team is replaced.


    Weather Cancellation Policy:

    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 a.m. on the day of the tournament. All captains will be emailed at whatever contact information they provide. If captains do not have weekend e-mail access, please let Eric know in advance.


  • Bridget Denzer


    269 Vassar St.

    Cambridge, MA 02139


    The tournament fee can only be paid by check.

    Please make checks payable to MIT Women's Volleyball Club


    Please mail checks to 

    C/O Bridget Denzer
    269 Vassar St. Unit 906
    Cambridge, MA 02139


    Cancellation policy: You may cancel up to 21 days before the tournament for a full refund. You will get a full refund after 21 days only if the tournament is full and we can replace your team.

  • Michelle Grambley




    Payment Policy:

    Accepting Venmo payments: @TeamworksSomerset


    Checks should be made payable to:

    Teamworks Somerset
    732 Lees River Ave
    Somerset MA 02725


    Cancellation Policy:

    You may cancel up to 14 days prior to the tournament for a full refund.  Refunds will only be issued after that if tourney is full and your team can be replaced


    Weather/Cancellation Policy:

    Tournament cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 7am on the day of the tournament.  All team captains will be contacted via contact provided 

  • Liberty Champs Early Reg


    24 Bourgeois Terrace

    Westminster, MA 01473-1300


    CHAMPS Early Pre-registration: This registration is ONLY for eligible captains invited via email.

    RCO C+ Captains of teams that have entered and played in 3 or more tournaments of that level in the fall season(through Dec 31st), will have the opportunity to sign up and secure a spot before the general registration and lottery commences. You will be contacted via email prior to January 8th with that option.

    RCO C- and RCO B Captains of teams that have entered and played in 1 or more tournaments of that level in the fall season(through Dec 31st), will have the opportunity to sign up and secure a spot before the general registration and lottery commences. You will be contacted via email prior to January 8th with that option.


    Liberty Challenge FAQ's


    Cancellation policy:

    You may withdraw up to March 1st for a refund minus a $10 withdrawal fee

    Withdrawals between March 2nd and March 27th will incur a $10 withdrawal fee IF a replacement team can be found. If a replacement team is not found prior to March 27th they will incur a $100.

    Withdrawals after March 27th will incur a $50 withdrawal fee IF a replacement team can be found prior to end of day on April 8th. If they do not, they will lose their tournament fee. Withdrawals After April 8th will forfeit thier team fee.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 a.m. on the day of the tournament. All captains will be phone and emailed at whatever contact information they provide.

  • Liberty TD


    24 Bourgeois Terrace

    Westminster, MA 01473


    ATTENTION: With the lottery selection concluded, teams will be accepted on a first come (registered and paid) basis until all available team spots are full. 


    Withdrawal/cancellation policys will still be in effect. Field size may be adjusted (up or down) at any time.


    Liberty Challenge FAQ's


    Withdrawal/Cancellation policy:

    You may withdraw up to March 1st for a refund minus a $10 withdrawal fee

    Withdrawals between March 2nd and March 27th will incur a $10 withdrawal fee IF a replacement team can be found. If a replacement team is not found prior to March 27th they will incur a $100.

    Withdrawals after March 27th will incur a $50 withdrawal fee IF a replacement team can be found prior to end of day on April 8th. If they do not, they will lose their tournament fee. Withdrawals After April 8th will forfeit thier team fee.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 a.m. on the day of the tournament. All captains will be phone and emailed at whatever contact information they provide.

  • MSVBA TD - Fundraiser






    Registration for a tournament is done by signing up on Yankee’s tournament website.  Registration is not considered complete until an online payment via has been received (checks are not accepted).  Teams are accepted in order of payment received.  This is a fundraiser for an individual or organization.  Please make payments via Venmo to @Samantha-Commeau.  The funds will then be distributed to the appropriate recipient.   


    Captains/Players are responsible for ensuring they have a NERVA membership prior to arriving at the tournament.  


    Cancellation Policy:
    Captains may cancel up to 14 days before the tournament for a full refund.  Captains will get a full refund after 14 days only if the tournament is full and the team can be replaced.

    Weather Cancellation Policy:
    Tournament Cancellation due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will be decided by 6:30 am on the day of the tournament.  The Tournament Director will make every effort to make a decision the day prior to the tournament if possible.  All captains will be notified by the group chat.