Yankee Championships

2025 Yankee Championship Guidelines



Entry Fee: $215($250 for Convention Center Champs) check payable to Yankee Volleyball Champs
**Include Team name, level, date & contact info

Mail to:
    Mark Archibald
    24 Bourgeois Terrrace
    Westminster, MA 01473

2025 Due to limited gym space Championships will be on a first come first served basis unless the tournament is listed as Invitational. After entry deadline, teams may only be accepted to fill gym space.

Refund policy: Email or call with a team withdraw request from the team rep received & confirmed on or before April 1st. Convention Center Champsionship tournaments follow the Convention Center tournament withdrawal policies.


Checks for Championships may be cashed the week of May 5th.


Register team online link:
  Yankee Registration system

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) 603-557-7949 cell

In general, except as specified below, the Yankee Championships follow the rules of USA Volleyball (USAV).



Rosters will be frozen at the end of pool play. Additions to the roster can occur at anytime as long as the TD has been notified. No additions once playoffs start.

Rating requirements are listed below: Rosters do not have to meet a minimum point requirement to enter. A team cannot start playing in the tournament if they are over the maximum points. Teams that go over the maximum range for any reason during the tournament will be DQ'd. They will be allowed to complete play pool (record counts against other teams), but will be ineligible for playoffs. In the case of a 6 team championship when everybody makes playoffs, the DQ'd team will forfeit their playoff match and still are required to work the next playoff round.

Any player that joins (including membership upgrades) after April 15th is instantly re-rateable by a same-sex rater at any tournament.

TDs will verify roster ratings/membership status.

Single Event memberships are allowed for Championships. There is a MAXIMUM of two Single Event memberships allowed per team.

For CR and RCO tournaments, only the 3 highest rated players of each gender count towards the team max/min. A team cannot be more than +3 in either gender. For C+ level tournaments and below, no single male player can be more than +2 of the level of the tournament and no single female can be more than +3. For B- and lower tournaments a team cannot be more than +2 for male players.

Players can not play more than 3 levels below their rating. An A- player can not play in a C+ tournament.

For Yankee championships, teams may play with a ghost player.

Rosters should be posted by the end of the first round.

Yankee Men's, Women's, CR, RCO Ratings are per Yankee Rules and Policies



**For 2025 Championships, the uniform rules listed below will be in effect**

Yankee Championships: Uniforms do not have to be matching, but players must have shirts with numbers front and back. 4 front, 6 back minimum. Taped numbers are not allowed. Numbers written in marker should meet the size requirement and also be 3/4" wide. Illegal uniforms: #0 or 00 only, 3 digit #, dark colored # on dark shirt, light colored # on light shirt & numbers in the shirt design when the number is not easy to see. Placement of numbers does not need to be centered on the front and back, but needs to be clearly identifiable while contrasting in brightness and color with the jersey by the use of either a contrasting border around the number or the number itself contrasting. If you have an illegal uniform you will NOT BE ALLOWED TO PLAY until you change to a legal uniform.  Your team may be assessed delay sanctions resulting from illegal uniforms that need to be changed.

Libero uniform must be highly contrasting. For Yankee championships, it must be contrasting to the ENTIRE team. 2-3 different colors and a libero could be a problem. See head ref before you play. If a libero uniform issue is discovered while teams are being lined up, the libero's status can be changed to a bench player and allowed to sub for the set. Illegal libero uniform cannot be protested.



To be provided by Yankee.

-- Molten FLISTATIC (V5M5000-3N) for all men's, women's, and coed tournaments.


Match play & playoffs.

Warm-up: [Poolplay] A team's first warm-up is 7 minutes shared, 4 minutes shared after that

Work teams: It is up to the team captain to be aware when your team is scheduled to work. It is not the responsibility of the referee to find you. 2 penalty points per minute will be accessed for incomplete work teams. A complete work team is defined as: Two line judges in position, a R2 w/whistle, a scorekeeper [score sheet filled out], libero tracker & score flipper [can be the same person only at locations of limited space] Work teams should be available early for referee instructions. Penalty points occur 1 minute after the scheduled warm up is over. Referee will inform TD of penalty at the end of the match, this cannot be protested.

If there is a situation where all playing teams do not play the same amount of games, percentage of wins will decide playoff seeding over total wins.

When 6 teams make playoffs, 1st and 2nd will work the quarters.

The last losing team in playoffs will work the next round unless otherwise indicated.

When all teams in playoffs are playing the next two finishing teams will work the first round of playoffs. For instance, if the top 4 teams make semi-finals, 5th and 6th will work.


Tie breaks:


Teams will be seeded and teams tied for the last playoff spot will play [1] 21 point game, starting at 4, switching sides at 15. In cases where there are multiple tiebreakers the game will be 0-15 switching at 8.

Teams will be seeded according to:

1) Head to head games amongst tied teams
2) Head to head point ratio amongst tied teams
3) Overall point ratio
4) Coin flip



The TD will select the tournament MVP.

Generally the MVP will be on the winning team, sometimes on the runner up. Input should be taken throughout the day to get a feel for who is really helping their team. MVP selection should not necessarily pick the best overall player (a B+ should look good at a B- tournament) but the most valuable. Generally, it's someone who elevated their play above what is expected and had an overall impact on team performance.


Winner of regional stipend:

A stipend eligible team is defined as: Registered for Nationals in that division, 5 members from the national roster must play a majority of the day and any player that is NOT on the National roster may not be rated higher than the player he/she is replacing. The highest seeded or winning team playing team will received a Nationals stipend. If the tournament winner was NOT a national team and a higher seed was not an obvious conclusion then a one game to 21 points will be played. Examples to play a stipend tie breaker:

1] Same record, did not play head to head, did not make playoffs
2] Same record, did not play head to head, made playoffs but
   lost in the same round
[Do not use points to determine stipend winner]




5 teams 8 games 21 points, top 2 make playoffs (3 teams if only 1 pool)
6 teams 5 games to 25 points, everybody makes playoffs
7 teams 8 games to 21 points, top 3 make playoffs
8 teams 7 games to 25 points, top 4 make playoffs
9 teams 8 games to 21 points, top 4 make playoffs
10 teams 8 games to 21 points, top 4 make playoffs
11-15 teams 8 games to 21 points, top 6 make playoffs
16-20 teams 8 games to 21 points, top 8 make playoffs
Coed Rev 8 games to 21 points versus the same 4 random teams on both men's & women's height net. 8 games total.


All rules are subject at any time to change at the discretion of The Yankee Champs Tournament Coordinator.